• Project Name Construction of a 3 Storey Hardware Building at Plot 665 Block27
  • Client Businessman, Mr. Mukasa Lawrence
  • Date April 2021
  • Duration Qngoing
  • Location Plot665 Block 27 Sir Apollo Kagwa Road Kampala District,
Similar Contract Number: Information
Contract Identification Construction of a 3 Storey Hardware Building at Plot 665 Block27
Award date April 2021
Completion date ongoing
Role in Contract ü

Main Contractor


Management Contractor



Total contract amount +250 788 519 852 UGX 640,000,000
If partner in a JV or subcontractor, specify participation of total contract amount N/A
Employer’s Name: Businessman, Mr. Mukasa Lawrence


P. O Box  Kampala Uganda
Telephone/fax number:
E-mail: N/A
Amount UGX 640,000,000
Physical size Approximately 800sq.meters
Complexity and Methods/Technology Works Include:

Foundation, Ground, First and Second floor slab, Block wall and versatile roof complete with Mechanical and Electrical Installations with toilet, kitchen, lounge spaces, front parking, and outdoor latrine block on 0.22 acres at Plot665 Block 27 Sir Apollo Kagwa Road Kampala District,

Physical Production Rate


0% completed